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nyl & andrea

Andrea Davis
nyl & andrea Eff52f60dedda92b733cad69c590139f
Pseudo IRL : charme.different
Pronom(s) IRL : her
Faceclaim : tc
Crédits : asa
Messages : 2295
Points RP : 3
Dama : 72 980
Couleur de dialogues : var(--co3)
CW & TW : /
Multicomptes : /
Aesthetic IRP :

nyl & andrea Lbcl9pQC_ola cité des mâles
veille sur le quartier
des lunes

enfp • the campaigner

Aesthetic IRL :

nyl & andrea 6289aeeac59a6ab27730b88b4207283433cd6646nyl & andrea MneaVBgA_o

i get lost in pretending to be human

Naissance & Âge : 29 décembre 1997 & 24
Pronom(s) : he/him
Statut Civil : en couple avec ses balais
Occupation : <hii>étudiant en médicomagie</hii> - spécialité recherche et développement
<hii>joueur professionnel de cosmoball</hii> stargazer
- The Sylver Hydra (niveau universitaire)
- Les Archers de Meiwa (niveau professionnel)
Particularité(s) : loup-garou (mangetsuki - shinro)

Affinités Magiques : -
Catalyseur : [ bague astronomique ]
logée à ses doigts, la bague argentée prend une teinte dorée lorsqu'elle se décharge.
Sur ses multiples anneaux on peut y découvrir des inscriptions astrologiques et autres indications en runes.
Logement : colocation - SHINMEIDAI
en couple avec 4 autres babouins (lorenz, akira, saem, yuan)
Signes Distinctifs : - fashion terrorist : chaussettes par dessus le jogging since 2008
- piercings : un piercing à la langue abandonné au détriment de deux piercings à l'helix gauche. Mauvais élève, il oublie parfois de les mettre.
- cicatrices : voyantes ou parfois discrètes, vieilles comme récentes, certaines ne partent jamais. Cicatrices qui naissent d'accidents liées aux transformations mensuelles du lycanthrope ou à divers accidents durant des match de cosmoball. Sa morsure se trouve quant à elle sur sa cheville droite.
Inventaire : - voiture
- cape ryu [loto]
- masque satori [loto]
[a rajouter : ce qui a été gagné à la st val]
- balais
Royal Duster IV [boutique]
Andrea Davis
ÉLÈVE ⟡ sour skittles on my tongue
Ceci est le début de votre conversation.
Andrea DavisAndrea Davis
Andrea DavisDim 16 Avr - 11:51
February 25
Heyyy Nyl ! Hope you're doing great ! Sorry i had a lot to do these past few days and forgot to text you but i'm baaaack !! Do you still want to talk about what happens during Valentine's day ? Have you seen someone ? By the way I found some... weird scales in my valentine's day outfit pocket and I think it comes from where we were together... but i can't remember anyway i hope you're okay
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylDim 16 Avr - 13:16
hi andrea, good to have some news from you! i'm fine, what about you? are you okay?
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylDim 16 Avr - 13:17
i won't lie to you everything's kinda a blur for me... it just happened so fast that i can't barely remember details from the events
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylDim 16 Avr - 13:18
seen someone like, to talk? not really, i wouldn't know what to talk about to someone who wasn't there you know?
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylDim 16 Avr - 13:19
scales? i think i have some too
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylDim 16 Avr - 13:21
did you find informations about it???
Andrea DavisAndrea Davis
Andrea DavisDim 16 Avr - 22:18
yeah same here kinda confused about what happened but i'm definitely glad you had your leg back lol. I'm just praying for all of this thing being a complete hallucination.
Andrea DavisAndrea Davis
Andrea DavisDim 16 Avr - 22:23
regarding the scales... well, i took a picture of it with the Dragondex app but the app wasn't able to recognize the dragon breed so... either it's another reptile either it's not. Maybe leather ?? But it doesn't look like it. Guess we should check together ! I mean if you have some with you we could compare and stuff ?
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylJeu 20 Avr - 17:06
haha, same for my leg, it was so freakin confusing...
Amokna NylAmokna Nyl
Amokna NylJeu 20 Avr - 17:06
well tbh i'm starting to feel like it was real, otherwise how do you explain the scales?
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