Bienvenue, !

get to know you (os)

Andrea Davis
Points RP
get to know you (os) Eff52f60dedda92b733cad69c590139f
Pseudo IRL : charme.different
Pronom(s) IRL : her
Faceclaim : tc
Crédits : vysenia
Messages : 2308
Points RP : 63
Dama : 72 980
Couleur de dialogues : var(--co3)
CW & TW : /
Multicomptes : /
Aesthetic IRP :

get to know you (os) Lbcl9pQC_ola cité des mâles
veille sur le quartier
des lunes

enfp • the campaigner

Aesthetic IRL :

get to know you (os) 6289aeeac59a6ab27730b88b4207283433cd6646get to know you (os) MneaVBgA_o

i get lost in pretending to be human

Naissance & Âge : 29 décembre 1997 & 24
Pronom(s) : he/him
Statut Civil : en couple avec ses balais
Occupation : <hii>étudiant en médicomagie</hii> - spécialité recherche et développement
<hii>joueur professionnel de cosmoball</hii> stargazer
- The Sylver Hydra (niveau universitaire)
- Les Archers de Meiwa (niveau professionnel)
Particularité(s) : loup-garou (mangetsuki - shinro)

Affinités Magiques : -
Catalyseur : [ bague astronomique ]
logée à ses doigts, la bague argentée prend une teinte dorée lorsqu'elle se décharge.
Sur ses multiples anneaux on peut y découvrir des inscriptions astrologiques et autres indications en runes.
Logement : colocation - SHINMEIDAI
en couple avec 4 autres babouins (lorenz, akira, saem, yuan)
Signes Distinctifs : - fashion terrorist : chaussettes par dessus le jogging since 2008
- piercings : un piercing à la langue abandonné au détriment de deux piercings à l'helix gauche. Mauvais élève, il oublie parfois de les mettre.
- cicatrices : voyantes ou parfois discrètes, vieilles comme récentes, certaines ne partent jamais. Cicatrices qui naissent d'accidents liées aux transformations mensuelles du lycanthrope ou à divers accidents durant des match de cosmoball. Sa morsure se trouve quant à elle sur sa cheville droite.
Inventaire : - voiture
- cape ryu [loto]
- masque satori [loto]
[a rajouter : ce qui a été gagné à la st val]
- balais
Royal Duster IV [boutique]
Andrea Davis
ÉLÈVE ⟡ sour skittles on my tongue

get to know you
avril 2023 @andrea davis outfit

Tension qui prend le garçon à peine est-il sorti du lit. Pourtant le rendez-vous n’aura pas lieu avant 17 heures. Il jette un coup d’oeil à son portable. Message d’Ethan qui lui demande l’heure de son rendez-vous, message d'Anla qui lui envoie un petit emoticon “good vibes”.  A côté de lui, il manque peut-être Somi avec qui il n’a malheureusement pas partagé la nuit. Mais son message ne tarde pas non plus. Un sticker suivi d’une photo de Luna qui fait la tête (comme d’hab). S’il était désormais un peu plus habitué aux interviews, il appréhendait toujours les questions qu’on pourrait lui poser, d’autant plus qu’aujourd’hui il serait interrogé pour un média anglais.

C’est à exactement 17h02 qu’il quitte le taxi pour se rendre dans le bâtiment regroupant en son sein de nombreux médias. A l’entrée, il est accueilli par Konomi,  celle qui l'assistera le temps de l’interview. Elle se présente, lui explique précisément à quelle heure il doit être prêt et quelques autres formalités. Une fois dans l’ascenseur, dont le trajet ne semble jamais finir, elle prend de nouveau la parole. “Est-ce qu’il y a des sujets particuliers que vous souhaitez ne pas aborder ?” Andrea lève un sourcil et prend un temps pour réfléchir. “Mmh…Je suis plutôt ouvert aux questions, peut-être éviter les questions trop personnelles ? Sentimentales tout ça tout ce qui n’a pas vraiment de rapport avec le cadre professionnel je suppose ?” Il hausse les épaules puis laisse passer l’assistante avant lui pour la suivre jusqu’aux loges où on le recoiffe légèrement et lui offre à boire. Rapides préparations durant lesquelles il peut saluer le staff qui passe et repasse. Ca lui rappelle un peu ce qu’il avait vécu dans les loges du concert de Somi. Sauf qu’aujourd’hui c’était beaucoup moins stressant. Il a même le temps d’envoyer des messages pour envoyer le numéro de la fréquence exacte sur laquelle se brancher pour écouter l’interview. Le message de Somi prenant la forme d’un “hey pixie, if you want to listen to me the station is Inter FMW 34, starting at 5.30pm, enjoy my stressed smoky british voice haha, see you later”.  Une fois prêt (et surtout après être passé aux toilettes) il s’installe enfin dans le studio.

Il salue le chroniqueur, Japonais anglophone qui présentera l’émission, puis installe un casque sur sa tête et vérifie que le micro fonctionne bien. A côté du chroniqueur, se trouve une autre journaliste qui présentera d’autres rubriques un peu plus tard dans la soirée. “Hi everyone all around the world, and especially to all the British people who are right now either working or doing some jogging ! It’s Yasuda Kenzo for the BBCosmoradio and today we have an amazing player with us here in Japan, let’s guess who he is… Do you have any idea ?” Le journaliste laisse un temps d’attente. “He’s a british stargazer, he lives in Japan and he’s right now trying not to blush, yes it’s him, Andrea Davis, stargazer for the Meiwa Archers ! How are you doing Andrea ?” Le stress monte soudainement lorsque c’est à lui de répondre.

AD : Well I’m pretty good thank you ! Nice to meet you all, Hi to british auditors, Hi to japanese auditors too, hi to everyone around the world actually busy listening to me haha, hope i won’t be too boring haha

KY : "Of course you won’t ! So how are you doing? Is it your first time on the radio ?

AD :  “ Well…mmh, not exactly the first time, I’ve done it past february but, definitely the first  time for a UK media yes haha… got the pressure from my people !

KY : “Talking about your people, If I’m not wrong, you were born in Wales, raised in England, schooled in Japan that’s right ? How long have you been in Japan ?

AD : " Yes that’s it ! I think… I can’t even remember the exact time I was schooled to Japan but I guess I was like… 9 or 10 years old ? I was a small bean haha. I eventually came back to England for two years including one year for sport school only "

KY : The street says you didn’t actually start with Cosmoball, what brought you to the stargazer position then ?

AD : Well… I’ve always been in love with broomsticks. Got my first one at 5 and the love never faded away. I started playing sky racing and  I was quite good actually.

KY  : You mean absolutely good ? You won some competitions !

AD : well…yes I mean no, it wasn’t that a big deal but I definitely wanted to pursue this sport yes. Then I moved to Japan, and some guy asked me if i was down to enter their cosmo team because I could fly fast and…obviously because I was the only one this fast with a broomstick  and they needed a stargazer in  a broom team, I guess I was the only one with what they were looking for so they just put me there you know.

KY : and then ?

AD : and then I fell in love with cosmoball, I think it made me understand the power you can have when you work as a team, i think it helped me to see the other people as a team, and not as an enemy.

KY : What do you mean ?

AD : Mmh…You know, when you’re playing sky racing, there’s only one winner, it’s like… you against humanity and, sometimes you can have this same not “construction” ...but same vision in life, during your puberty or when you feel like you’re alone or that you can’t count on anyone but yourself. I think cosmo helped me to think very differently, like you can’t be sad everytime because you have a whole ass team behind you that you have to cheer up ! it’s everyone in the same boat.

KY : That’s quite deep ! You’re still playing for your school and in the same time for the Archers, how do you deal with both ?

AD :  Well… I definitely don’t play the same way. Mmmh in Tokidai I’m actually playing with the Silver Hydra. I’ve been playing with them for a couple of years now, and I deeply love them. They’re kinda my whole life. We’re not just a team, we’re friends first. And they know me, and they have always supported me. Without them I wouldn’t even be there right now. And it’s always a pleasure to play with TSH. And on the other side, I joined Meiwa Archers not so long ago mmh so I’m more like…The baby ? Meanwhile, I'm the big daddy for my school team. And obviously, it’s not the same level but I try to make the same effort even though, I sometimes actually miss training sessions with the hydras. I don’t think I should say that haha but they know i have a busy schedule anyway.

KY : You’re right now in the middle of a big championship, is it your first time ? How do you feel about it ? Do you have any wishes ?

AD : Any wishes ? haha…obviously the big wish is to win, but just give the best of myself, and try to go as far as possible in the competition. I mean as we say go big or go home !

KY : Well… you kinda went big three days ago against the Mongol CC, how was it ? how did you feel ?

AD : Yes absolutely !! I went to Ulan Bataar for the game and this was totally stunning? Like I couldn’t even believe I was in this specific part of the world ? especially because, two weeks before I was in Dubai, for another game that we sadly lost. But yes, it was insane. The people are so nice ! And the landscapes are very different from Meiwa, or from London. Well… all these cities still have big skyscrapers tho…

KY : Your job obviously, leads you to a lot places and require you to travel sometimes, do you really like that ?

AD : Yes i do ! I love it even though it’s not easy with my studies, with my friends or family but it’s okay because for now i’m in Meiwa and most of the time i’m in the city so it’s not a big deal. I’ve heard that Untouched people mmh…can I speak about Untouched on radio ? oh okay thank you. So yes mmh, I’ve heard that Untouched people usually take planes but their planes are way more slower so for example, something we do in I don’t know 10 minutes, they would do it in, like, 5 hours ? And yes if was an untouched i think i couldn’t make it but, I’m a mage so it’s okay.

KY : What do you study ? And how do you deal with studies and sport ? Do you have any advice for someone who would like to do the same as you ?

AD : Hum… That’s a good question. I have a very strict schedule that i’m supposed to respect. That’s definitely not an easy task but I have what we called a special schedule because of my job. It’s definitely helping me. I have some weeks that can be dedicated to sports and some that can be dedicated to studies.

KY : What field ?

AD : Oh sorry  ! I didn’t answer the question mmmh so yes I’m in the medical field which is again, not an easy task but I’m 100% enthusiastic about that and i think it helps. I couldn’t see myself studying something I don’t like or that I’m not thriving for. Mmh if someone wants to do the same as me, I would just suggest them to ask for a special schedule as soon as they can. And just study the field you want. I know it sounds silly but it’s important to do what you want, that’s the only way to be happy I think…otherwise you will just feel frustrated and bitter…

KY : Oh wow what a good transition we got here ! Thank you Andrea ! So talking about bitter, what if we do something a little bit sweeter ? I think it’s time for our auditors to get some music and since you are our guest, we let you choose the next song that will be played on our station.

AD : Really ?? Oh wow ! Like really really ? I can choose ? And the song will be aired here and in England ? In the same time ??

KY : Yeah Andrea ! Haha you seem surprised !

AD : Of course I am, it's mental ! I love it !

KY : Is there a song that you want people to know about ?

AD : Well…There’s thousand of songs deserving to be played but mmmh…Since I’m living in Japan, I think I should introduce them to a song that we do love here in Japan, or at least that i do like,  what do you think Kenzo ?

KY :  You’re the guest ! You decide ! But that's a good thing, let's give some piece of japan to our international auditors

AD : Okay… Mmh I think the auditors should listen to Bomber Bass by Somi Hanaoka. That’s a song she wrote … I actually don’t know when… haha but I think it was on her last album ?

KY : Let’s pour our glass listening to Bomber Bass !

Et pendant que les premières notes de la musique retentissent pour les auditeurs, Andrea peut enfin retirer son casque et en profite pour engloutir la bouteille d’eau en face de lui. Il se lève pour se dégourdir les jambes et s’offre une pause en compagnie de Konomi et de Kenzo  “ ça allait ? Je dois changer quelque chose ? ” demande le britannique qui soudainement, à peur que l’interview se passe mal. “ Tout est enregistré pour le podcast c’est ça ? ” “Ouais c’est bien ça, et t’inquiète tout est parfait et surtout on est dans les temps ! On va probablement te filmer pour la seconde partie, et on a encore quelques petites questions puis après on aura une ou deux activités avec notamment des questions de fans etc” “ ah ouais des fans ? Carrément ? Wow…Eh beh…c’est cool… Et ça va toi ? Tu t’ennuies pas à me poser toujours plus de questions ? ” “haha t'es funny toi ! C’est mon job ! Et c’est toujours un plaisir de recevoir des personnalités comme les tiennes ! ça change des Hiro Yumeda qui répondent à peine aux questions”  “ Ah ouais ? Yumeda ? ” répète le garçon, étonné d’apprendre que le gardien de l’équipe nationale japonaise semblait être mal vu. " Bon faut dire qu’à part quand faut rattraper des balles il a pas l’air d’être très ouvert d’esprit c’est vrai…"  et encore fallait-il qu’il sache déjà rattraper une balle, mais ça, Andrea se contente de le garder pour lui. Dès qu’on lui fait signe, le garçon se dépêche de se remettre à sa place et peut enfin reprendre l’antenne avec le journaliste et animateur radio.

part 1
Code pour Isekai Monogatari

Andrea Davis
Points RP
get to know you (os) Eff52f60dedda92b733cad69c590139f
Pseudo IRL : charme.different
Pronom(s) IRL : her
Faceclaim : tc
Crédits : vysenia
Messages : 2308
Points RP : 63
Dama : 72 980
Couleur de dialogues : var(--co3)
CW & TW : /
Multicomptes : /
Aesthetic IRP :

get to know you (os) Lbcl9pQC_ola cité des mâles
veille sur le quartier
des lunes

enfp • the campaigner

Aesthetic IRL :

get to know you (os) 6289aeeac59a6ab27730b88b4207283433cd6646get to know you (os) MneaVBgA_o

i get lost in pretending to be human

Naissance & Âge : 29 décembre 1997 & 24
Pronom(s) : he/him
Statut Civil : en couple avec ses balais
Occupation : <hii>étudiant en médicomagie</hii> - spécialité recherche et développement
<hii>joueur professionnel de cosmoball</hii> stargazer
- The Sylver Hydra (niveau universitaire)
- Les Archers de Meiwa (niveau professionnel)
Particularité(s) : loup-garou (mangetsuki - shinro)

Affinités Magiques : -
Catalyseur : [ bague astronomique ]
logée à ses doigts, la bague argentée prend une teinte dorée lorsqu'elle se décharge.
Sur ses multiples anneaux on peut y découvrir des inscriptions astrologiques et autres indications en runes.
Logement : colocation - SHINMEIDAI
en couple avec 4 autres babouins (lorenz, akira, saem, yuan)
Signes Distinctifs : - fashion terrorist : chaussettes par dessus le jogging since 2008
- piercings : un piercing à la langue abandonné au détriment de deux piercings à l'helix gauche. Mauvais élève, il oublie parfois de les mettre.
- cicatrices : voyantes ou parfois discrètes, vieilles comme récentes, certaines ne partent jamais. Cicatrices qui naissent d'accidents liées aux transformations mensuelles du lycanthrope ou à divers accidents durant des match de cosmoball. Sa morsure se trouve quant à elle sur sa cheville droite.
Inventaire : - voiture
- cape ryu [loto]
- masque satori [loto]
[a rajouter : ce qui a été gagné à la st val]
- balais
Royal Duster IV [boutique]
Andrea Davis
ÉLÈVE ⟡ sour skittles on my tongue

get to know you
avril 2023 @andrea davis outfit

KY : “Here we are ! Back with Mr Davis for some more questions ! I hope you like this song as much as we love it ! Why did you choose this specific song ? Does it resonate with you ?

AD : Haha well I first wanted to introduce people to an artist that I really appreciate. And I had the chance to attend to her concert not so long ago as she’s a friend of mine and Bomber Bass was, at least to me, one of her best performance so that’s it !

KY : Oh yeah, you met at school that’s it ? I haven't had the chance to meet Somi yet ! But I know she’s really appreciated.

AD : Haha yeah she’s studying in the music field. We actually met in a music club when we were younger ! She’s the one who introduced me to piano actually !

KY : Oh really ? That is so cute ! you can play piano ?

AD : Well yes… I mean when i have time but I have a busy schedule to be honest. Don’t call me for playing a song at your wedding, if that’s the skill level you’re asking.

KY : Haha ! No need, already engaged ! What about yours ?

AD : haha…mmh never ? haha

KY :  When is your next game ? Are you ready ?

AD : Nah I’m not ready… I mean yes I’m ready but the competition is getting harder and harder and i can feel it and there’s nothing that can stop me from stressing out about it you know haha. I think we’re playing next week against Bangkok.

KY  : Do you have a lot of fans here ? I mean do you feel the fame ?

AD : naaah hahaha I mean, at school yes but it’s literally because i’m part of the cosmoteam otherwise I’m not sure i would be famous you know. In the streets… it happened sometimes, but not always. It’s always a little bit weird mmh to get this people who know you and you don’t know anything about them.

KY : How do you handle it ? Do you like it ?

AD : Well..I can’t say I don’t like it because I’m always grateful to people who feel like I can help them ? I don’t know if there’s an actual correlation between my field of studies and my behavior but  I just like to help people and I don’t know… When someone tells me “hi you’re inspiring me” I’m always happy, and i feel like I did a good action. I’m not the kind to say that I want to inspire people, and I want people to become like me because that’s definitely not what i want, but if they’re inspired, it's like a bonus. Obviously I tend to prefer when people love me more than they hate me haha.

KY : How do you handle hate ?

AD : Well… I don’t handle it and i cry in bed.

KY : Have you ever ?

AD : of course who doesn’t ? you’re just living your little life, you’re trying to play a good game, you lose, and you have bad comments on your social media throwing hateful comments about your game or your body, of course you get sad. At least I do. And then you feel like you ain’t deserving anything, and you’re feeling guilty and if you have the impostor syndrome like me, it’s way worse.  But I learned to handle it. Otherwise you can’t move forward. I don’t know how other people handle it…When I was doing sky racing, I was either a winner or a loser, I was just racing and racing, and at the end, whether my friends and family would be there to tell me they’re happy, otherwise they would just say that it’s okay to lose. But cosmoball ? Cosmoball it’s a whole other behaviour because you have half of the supporters who wants you to win, and the other half who wants you to lose, and sometimes it can be stressful. It’s all about statistics i guess.

KY : What does a good fan mean to you  ?

AD : Mmh I don’t think there’s a good or bad fan, because a bad fan is actually not a fan i guess ? But I tend to consider as a fan someone who will support me whether i’m losing or winning, it’s like friendship i guess ? You can support your friend only when they’re having a good day and let them drown when they’re feeling bad, you know ?

KY : That’s a good way to explain it yes, I like this ! How about you answering some fans questions ?

AD : huh ? Right now ?

KY : Yes ! We went on twitter and there’s some questions ! ready ?

AD : Let’s go !

KY : okay @kirumi24 said : what is the last thing you bought for yourself ?

AD : haha so random…mmh hello Kirumi mmh…let me think… god a bad memory for this kind of thing.

Andrea a un moment d’hésitation. Peut-être parce qu’il a réellement une mauvaise mémoire, ou tout simplement parce que la dernière chose qu’il a acheté ressemble à un paquet de cigarettes accompagné de quelques rouleaux de PQ et de ramens.

AD : Some days ago there was a Festival in town and the university was part of the organization, and one of Tokidai’s house, the fugi-ka ones created an amazing deck of cards call God of Elements or something ? And I bought it. The cards are amazing ! I’m not sure if it’s for direct sale tho.

KY : I do think…my daughter told me about it actually. She’s fugika

AD : Really ? What’s her name ? Do I know her ?

KY : oh you tell me ! Her name is Etsuko

AD : oh…no I don’t know her sorry… But she can say hi when she wants haha

KY : okay let’s continue ! We got a question from @jaydeers6 : Hi Andrea, I’m from England and I wanted to know if you have plans to play in UK next season ?

AD : I do have plans to come back in UK but not now. But I do yes. Would be a dream come true to actually play at home !

KY : @ohdavisandy said

AD : haha nice handle…very random !

KY : they said : what’s your lucky number and what’s your favorite broomstick brand ?

AD : My lucky number is definitely 7. It was the first number I got as a stargazer and weirdly, it’s the number of letters in my first name so I just choose this number for anything anyhow. I do have some favorite broomsticks, one being a gift from a friend, it’s a Spencer one. The Royal Duster is definitely a go-to as well, especially for rude biotopes.

KY : @kattimum asked do you have siblings ?

AD : I do ! I have a sister who’s now living in Japan with me. Her name is Eira and mmh we spend half of our time arguing but I do like her anyway especially when she’s not acting like mom haha.

KY : Hahaha what’s wrong with mom ?!

AD : You know… moms !

KY : @jaspertx asked what’s your dream team on FICA ?

AD : HAHAHA ! Haven’t played Fica for a month and i feel like I've missed the whole season ! Well… let’s put myself as the dream team stargazer ! nah kidding mmmh … Sato Noriko, Nathaniel McCall, and Juju Demarquais, Adam Leeds is my hero but I’m gonna put Cadwallader as stargazer. I think I would also choose Amos Dicarlo as keeper, he’s so so good and… and that’s it.

KY : Wow oh yeah, that would be very nice team…! Another question for you asked by @loliarcher : do you have any tattoo ? if not, do you want some ?

AD : mmmh I already had some but they were non permanent. I’m not sure i’m ready yet for a permanent one. But why not ? I just have to figure out what I want. Will I be mainstream if i say I want a nova tattoo?

KY : go big or go home ! get a tattoo of Adam Leeds in your back !

AD : hahaha…nope.

KY : Last question…by @meimeithedirtyone  wow what a handle ! What do you miss the most from England, and what would you miss the most from Japan ?

AD : oh wow… good question mmmh… to be fair, I think I miss everything from England. I hadn’t the chance to be schooled for a long time there but I have good memories. I missed my family a lot and I do miss my friends ! thanks god we’re always texting each other. People will disagree too but I definitely miss British food ! Thanks Merlin we have some good English pubs here in Meiwa.  As for Japan… Well I’m gonna miss my favorite strawberries kitkat and my favorite ramen for sure ! The fanta melon is incredible !? more seriously, there’s half of my life here so I’m gonna miss all my friends and best friends and my teammate and my coach, and my classes, and university. yeah, there’s obviously a lot of things. But I’m not sure I want to live somewhere forever actually. I’ve always been used to move, so I think I will fore sure comeback from where I am, whether it’s UK or Japan. Because Makosa is home too.

KY : Of course you’re gonna stay with us !! Meiwa is your home ! Okay I got a very last question from me to you…mmmh… you played for Kemono Kitsune, you played for Meiwa Archers, rumors said that you have played with Port Caldwin in Wales, and then for Seven Deers in UK…I have also heard that you were in talks in France for the Cavaliers Blancs, what’s next ? New club ? National team ?

AD : haha mmh… who knows ? for now i’m happy with the Meiwa Archers I think we have a lot to do together, mmmh, right now we’re in the middle of the competition, I hope we’re gonna go as far as we can. Mmh… For the national mmh I don’t know who knows ? Still waiting for the royal call !

Et c’est après cette dernière réponse que le journaliste remercie son invité et que l’interview se termine enfin. Ravi de cet échange, les deux continuent leurs discussions hors antenne et descendent même pour s’accorder une pause cigarette, durant laquelle, Andrea se confesse un peu plus sur ses peurs quant au fait de quitter tout ce qu’il a au Japon si jamais on venait à le recruter. “So…you’re telling me that you’re the one who declined for the Cavaliers Blancs ?” demande Kenzo en rejettant sa fumée de cigarette en arrière, légèrement abasourdi par la révélation du garçon. “But why ?” “Well… you know… girls”.

part 2
Code pour Isekai Monogatari
